Mangal II: Stories and Recipes - Ferhat & Sertaç Dirik, Action Bronson

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Producator: Phaidon


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DESCRIERE produs Mangal II: Stories and Recipes - Ferhat & Sertaç Dirik, Action Bronson | Librarie

Cartea pentru gatit Mangal II: Stories and Recipes - Ferhat & Sertaç Dirik, Action Bronson

The debut cookbook from the landmark East London restaurant, showcasing a collection of contemporary Turkish recipes.

Discover the food and stories of Mangal II, one of London’s most vibrant food destinations, thanks to the dynamic vision of the Dirik brothers. Following in the footsteps of their father, the Turkish chef Ali Dirk who immigrated to London and opened the UK’s first ocakbasi, Mangal I, in 1994, his sons have modernised Anatolian cuisine for the 21st century.

Through heartfelt essays about the food, creativity, and legacy of the restaurant and     more than 60 original recipes, readers discover delicious signature recipes such as Cull Yaw Köfte with Grilled Apple SauceGrilled Chickpea HummusSourdough PideMushroom Manti, and Tahini Tart – all by Sertaç Dirik, one of the most talented chefs of his generation. A foreword by Action Bronson further tells the story of the one-of-a-kind foodie destination beloved by devoted locals and restaurant fans from around the world.

About the author:

Ferhat Dirik, the managing director of Mangal II, took the reins of the family business and, together with his brother Sertaç Dirik, reinvented the restaurant to critical acclaim. Sertaç has already been hailed as one of the UK’s most exciting rising stars, having been recognized as 'Young Chef of the Year 2022' (Observer Food Monthly) and 'London’s Brightest' (TimeOut, 2022).

Ariyan Arslani, professionally known as Action Bronson, is an American rapper, songwriter, chef, wrestler, and television presenter.


  • Cartonata: 248 pagini
  • Format: 270 x 205 mm
  • Ilustratii: 90
  • Editura: Phaidon
  • Limba: Engleza
  • Anul publicarii: 2024


'Colorful, special, one of a kind.' - This is TASTE Podcast

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