Modernist Bread At Home - Nathan Myhrvold, Francisco Migoya

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DESCRIERE produs Modernist Bread At Home - Nathan Myhrvold, Francisco Migoya | Librarie

Modernist Bread At Home - Nathan Myhrvold, Francisco Migoya

In limba engleza.

Modernist Bread at Home is an indispensable cookbook for anyone who is passionate about making homemade bread. Created by the same team behind the award-winning Modernist Bread, this new cookbook is thoughtfully tailored to the specific needs of home bakers so that you can get great results in your kitchen, regardless of how much time or experience you have.

After years of rigorous independent research and hundreds of experiments, the Modernist Cuisine team has now distilled all that wisdom down into a comprehensive, 420-page single volume that proves bread-making can be attainable and convenient, even during the workweek. You’ll discover innovative yet practical techniques, time-saving tips, helpful scientific insights, and adaptable recipes that make delicious homemade bread possible.

Modernist Bread at Home features over 160 easy-to-follow recipes that span the world of bread: rustic sourdoughs, traditional French lean breads, lighter-than-air sandwich breads, decadent brioches, beautifully textured ryes, challah, focaccia, bagels, bao, and more, with gluten-free recipes that stand up to their counterparts. Plus, a 172-page wire-bound manual is included so that you can easily bring all the recipes into the kitchen.

Whether it’s a new way of mixing, a method for saving overproofed dough, innovative ways to use leftover levain, or how to improvise a proofer, you will become a better, more confident baker. Useful step-by-step tutorials and visual guides are found throughout the book, carefully designed to help you master key techniques, better navigate the bread-making process, troubleshoot potential challenges, and bring a new level of confidence to your baking. Ultimately, Modernist Bread at Home will help you make beautiful loaves of bread with a depth of flavor beyond that which you’ll find in the store. And you can proudly say that you’ve made it at home.

About the author

Nathan Myhrvold, founder of Modernist Cuisine, is the lead author of Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of CookingModernist Cuisine at HomeThe Photography of Modernist CuisineModernist BreadModernist PizzaFood & Drink: Modernist Cuisine Photography, and Modernist Bread at Home. He routinely pushes the boundaries of cuisine as a chef, scientist, photographer, and writer. He did postdoctoral work with Stephen Hawking and while working as the CTO of Microsoft, he took a leave of absence to earn a culinary diploma from École de Cuisine La Varenne in France. Nathan retired from Microsoft in 1999 to found Intellectual Ventures and pursue several lifelong interests, including photography and cooking. Inspired by the void in literature about culinary science and the cutting-edge techniques used in the world’s best restaurants, Myhrvold assembled the Modernist Cuisine team to share the art and science of cooking with others. Modernist Cuisine Gallery by Nathan Myhrvold opened in 2017 after Nathan received continued requests to buy photographs found in his books. The gallery features large-scale, limited-edition artwork and ships worldwide.

Francisco Migoya, head chef of Modernist Cuisine, is the coauthor of Modernist BreadModernist Pizza, and Modernist Bread at Home. Together with Nathan Myhrvold, he directs culinary research and development of new techniques and recipes. An innovative pastry chef, Migoya’s book, The Elements of Dessert (John Wiley & Sons, 2012), won a 2014 International Association of Culinary Professionals Cookbook Award.

He has been recognized as a top US pastry chef and chocolatier with accolades that include the Medal of Master Artisan Pastry Chef (2013) from Gremi de Pastisseria de Barcelona. Migoya owned Hudson Chocolates in New York and worked at both The French Laundry and Bouchon Bakery as executive pastry chef. Prior to joining the Modernist Cuisine team, Migoya was a professor at The Culinary Institute of America where his areas of instruction included bread, viennoiserie, pastry, and culinary science.


  • Cartonata: 420 pagini
  • Format: 343 x 262mm
  • Ilustratii: 1500
  • Editura: The Cooking Lab
  • Limba: Engleza
  • Anul publicarii: 2024

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